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The circle is a sacred geometry. It represents the seed, without beginning and without end. It contains the wisdom of all time. We embrace the power of transformation in a mirror, we see ourselves and feel as equals.


The circle is a sacred geometry.

It represents the Seed, without beginning and without end… as a little medicine song says.

It contains the wisdom of all time, everything and nothing.

In the circle we embrace, in a mirror, the power of transformation, we see ourselves and feel as equals.

It invites you to know the depth of your essence. When the ceremony begins, an energetic vortex opens, where the Gaia family unites with the Stellar family, and you feel your heart beating in unison with all the women in the circle. We sing, dance, paint, create and raise prayers of love to the world.

The elements will whisper to you the secrets of the times.

The Water will purify your sadness through your tears and turn it into clarity.

The Earth will hold you and you will feel her gently embracing you.

The Fire will transform you until you see the Maga that lives in you.

The Air will lift you to be able to observe from different heights.


The spiral of the circle will guide you to your heart.

“A circle of women helps you find the river of your life, and supports you in the  process of surrendering to its current”
Marian Woodman

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