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Ceremonies and Rites

The ceremonies are spaces where specific moments are honored, linked to the Earth and its harvests, to the Moon and its phases, to our cycle and its energies. You can turn every moment into something magical.


For me, Life is a Great Ceremony, where every moment, if you know how to appreciate it, is a ritual. My purpose is to guide you to make it so. Ceremonies are spaces where specific moments are honored, linked to the Earth and its harvests, to the Moon and its phases, to our cycles and their energies.


You can turn every moment into something magical, both preparing yourself a water with rose petals, and brushing your teeth consciously, connecting with your body, with your soul. Your heart will open and you will begin to perceive your own medicine.

You will begin to listen to the magic that your heart whispers to you and thus you will expand your clairvoyance.

The plants will speak to you... and you to them. The leaves of the trees will guide you and you will realize the infinite beauty that dwells in you.


I see so much beauty in each of the women who comes to my meetings, I honor their audacity to open up to heal, I see the pain carried for centuries, which is also mine, and I also honor it.


I see and feel the love in each one.

which is also mine

For me that is a ceremony.

Rites of Passage

They are rituals that mark an important period of transition in the life of women related to blood.


Welcoming ceremony of the first menstruation or red moon.

The passage from the Girl to the Woman.


Ceremony where the future mother is honored and empowered to receive blessings from the women in her life, and thus at the time of childbirth she will feel surrounded by all of them and also embraced by her ancestors. It is a day to love the pregnant woman with sweetness, thanking the power of Creation that lives in our wombs and remembering that we are portals between here and there.


Ceremony where the closure of the postpartum process is sealed. We celebrate the moment of pregnancy a lot, but quickly the woman tends to get into the habit of being for the new member of the herd and forgets herself. The puerperium is just as significant as pregnancy. It is a time where we need to feel supported and loved.


Ceremony to honor the arrival of our wise old woman. Society isolates and discriminates against the elderly, selling us eternal youth... but they are the ones who

they carry the wisdom of experience. Listen to what they share, because it sure brings a lot of healing to your heart.

I invite you to connect with prayer, with the elements and channel your own rituals, always intend for the highest good of all beings in the Multiverse.

Thank you to each of the women who have come into my life. Thank you to all the women who gave birth to me in each of my lives and in my ways.

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