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Welcome beautiful woman, to this healing portal, where through what you are going to read, see and feel, memories of ancestral wisdom will be activated within you.


Enjoy this awakening, NOW IS THE TIME TO BE.


From my Womb to your Womb.

Cristina  Papalotl

Cosmic Doula & Midwife

"I invite you to walk  within, with love, sweetness, and compassion.
with a big smile , because yo know you are home.
Grateful for the blessing of being a woman"

The return to sacred femininity

Currently we live in a patriarchy with a desire for change... this depends on you... on us, on our daughters and our granddaughters.


We live submerged in a reality with which we do not identify ourselves, we have stopped using our biological clock, our Womb  to guide us in  experiencing a cyclic life . Instead we live influenced by consumerism, dedicating must of our days to a job that in most cases lacks inspiration and passion .


Men are not allowed to cry and aslo been struggling for many years. Both Men & Women have both energies : masculine & femenine. Which have been imbalance for too long now.

 The truth is that , we are totally different… and the diversity of our beauty is what completes UNITY.

Now is the time to Armonize our Fire ( Masculine ) and our waters

( Femenine), and so ..heal our actions and emotions.


As a result of this disconnection with our wellbeing, many woman are suffering from  painful cycles, polycystic ovaries, etc.


We have abandoned our place of origin, NATURE.


It is time to return to her... return to ourselves.


That is why I invite you to walk within, with love ,sweetness and compassion. With a big smile , because you know you are home. 

Grateful for the  blessing of being a WOMAN.



Moon Mother

A Moon Mother is a woman, that has listened to the deep call of her heart, to guide women in the path of  awakening. To connect with her inner wisdom, the elements and her  gifts and live a life of abundance, joy, manifesting her unique essence on Earth. 

Women's Circle

The circle is a sacred geometry. It represents the seed, without beginning and without end. It contains the wisdom of all time. We embrace the power of transformation in a mirror, we see ourselves and feel as equals.

Ceremonies and Rites

They are spaces where we honor specific moments, linked to the Earth and its harvests, to the Moon and its phases, to our cycles and their energies. You can turn every moment into something magical.


Usui Reiki

Reiki is a technique for channeling and transmitting vital energy that is used to obtain peace and balance on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It opens you to receive Divine Love.

TtA Cosmic Suit

The Cosmos in you: energetic-mental and emotional activation of quantum healing. It is a consciousness suit, a gift from the consciousnesses of the Dolphins, Pleiadians and the Eloheim to support the awakening of the New Humanity.

doTerra Aromatherapy

It is an ancient tool that uses essential oils from plants, barks, herbs and flowers. Having an impact both in our most subtle and energetic body and in our physical body.


Aroma touch

Subtle massage technique, created by doctor and scientist David Hill. A relaxing and powerful experience with a clinical approach, since through the application of various essential oils, it relaxes, releases, restores and activates.

feng shui

The art of Chinese origin of harmonizing and connecting with space, favoring the individual's own well-being. Art based on Chinese cosmology, on theories about the evolution of the universe.  Feng means wind and shui means water.

womb steaming

Yoni  or settlements, is an ancestral ritual originating from different cultures: the traditional Mayan midwives and healers of Central and South America.  Master Maya Rosita Arvigo shares her knowledge with us.

¡Excelente y maravillosa! Mi experiencia con las terapias que hice y hago con Cristina, fueron y siguen siendo una maravilla. La calidez y amor que transmite es impresionante, me ha ayudado a comprender mejor mi camino, mi linaje femenino, mis miedos, mis bloqueos y a reconciliarme con ello, desde la autocomprensión, respeto y amor. Es una terapeuta que simplemente saca lo mejor de ti. Su compromiso y respeto son exquisitos, me he sentido siempre contenida y apoyada, es una amiga, una hermana de alma que está dispuesta a ayudarnos a Sanar de una manera muy especial, porque no solo guía y transmite, sino que acompaña de una forma muy comprometida. En la primera sesión me sentí bendecida y agradecida, a las varias, todo mi círculo personal notó un cambio positivo en mi vida. Puedo decir que gracias a su acompañamiento y asesoramiento mi vida mejoró. Mi experiencia es insuperable y la recomiendo a todas aquellas mujeres que quieran sanar, autocomprenderse y mejorar, desde el amor, respeto y compromiso! Gracias, Gracias, Gracias!



Sant Joan, Majorca

Thanks for connecting!

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